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Country analysis


The drivers of the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan include economic crisis, drought and other climate hazards, insecurity, and protection threats, which particularly affect women and girls.

In 2024, 23.7 million people will require humanitarian assistance, because of the persisting effects of past years of armed conflict and displacement, economic shocks, and structural issues (including poverty and poor infrastructure). Food remains a priority need, followed by livelihood opportunities. Afghanistan faces a widespread climate change-induced water crisis. Several Taliban decrees, directives and its overall control over citizens' lives affect humanitarian response in the country.

Despite slight stabilization since January 2023 with lower commodity prices and improved harvests, Afghanistan's economy remains one of the main drivers of needs. Women-headed households, households with members experiencing disabilities, rural households, and recent returnees are the most vulnerable. These groups resort to coping strategies to meet their needs; and face challenges in maintaining adequate food consumption, have higher debts and lower income. In Afghanistan, 6.3 million people are internally displaced, and 1.9 million returned from Iran and Pakistan.

In October 2023, four magnitude 6.3 earthquakes, along with multiple aftershocks, hit Herat province, affecting 1.6 million people. 114,000 of this number remain in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.

(OCHA 23/12/2023, OCHA 16/10/2023, IPC 14/12/2023, UNDP 18/01/2024, UNICEF 11/12/2023)

The drivers of the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan include economic crisis, drought and other climate hazards, insecurity, and protection threats, which particularly affect women and girls.

In 2024, 23.7 million people will require humanitarian assistance, because of the persisting effects of past years of armed conflict and displacement, economic shocks, and structural issues (including poverty and poor infrastructure). Food remains a priority need, followed by livelihood opportunities. Afghanistan faces a widespread climate change-induced water crisis. Several Taliban decrees, directives and its overall control over citizens' lives affect humanitarian response in the country.

Despite slight stabilization since January 2023 with lower commodity prices and improved harvests, Afghanistan's economy remains one of the main drivers of needs. Women-headed households, households with members experiencing disabilities, rural households, and recent returnees are the most vulnerable. These groups resort to coping strategies to meet their needs; and face challenges in maintaining adequate food consumption, have higher debts and lower income. In Afghanistan, 6.3 million people are internally displaced, and 1.9 million returned from Iran and Pakistan.

In October 2023, four magnitude 6.3 earthquakes, along with multiple aftershocks, hit Herat province, affecting 1.6 million people. 114,000 of this number remain in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.

(OCHA 23/12/2023, OCHA 16/10/2023, IPC 14/12/2023, UNDP 18/01/2024, UNICEF 11/12/2023)

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Latest updates on country situation

18 June 2024

Until 1 June 2024, over 610,000 individuals had returned to Afghanistan since the Ministry of Interior in Pakistan announced its Illegal Foreigners' Repatriation Plan (IFRP) in September 2023. The return process is still underway, albeit slower than at the end of 2023. Among the most recent 21,821 returnees who arrived between 16–31 May 2024, 37% were elderly, 22% were individuals with chronic diseases, and 21% were women. These people might need tailored assistance. Overall, the most pressing needs of the returnees include financial support, shelter, and employment opportunities. (IOM accessed 18/06/2024, IOM 07/06/2024)

29 May 2024

An estimated 6.5 million children will likely face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or Emergency (IPC Phase 4) food insecurity in 2024 given the impact of floods, droughts, and the mass return of Afghans from Pakistan and Iran. Heavy rains are likely to intensify in the coming months, leading to more floods and further affecting food insecurity. (STC 27/05/2024, WFP 21/05/2024)

13 May 2024

From 10–11 May 2024, heavy rainfall and flash floods hit northeastern Afghanistan, affecting 21 districts across Badakhshan, Baghlan, and Takhar provinces, with Baghlan facing the most impacts. The disaster has displaced an unknown number of people, who need emergency shelter, food and NFIs, medical supplies, safe drinking water, and hygiene kits. By 14 May, at least 330 people had died from the impact, the majority of whom were in Baghlan province. By 12 May, the floods had destroyed or damaged nearly 9,000 homes. Civilian infrastructure, such as key health facilities and water supply systems, has sustained significant damage. Flooding has also affected agricultural land and livestock. Some access restrictions from road damage are likely to hinder aid delivery. (OCHA 12/05/2024, ECHO 14/05/2024, FloodList 13/05/2024)

18 April 2024

In 2024, food, education, and shelter are among the key needs of the about 250,000 children in Afghanistan who have recently returned from Pakistan. Since September 2023, over 520,000 Afghans have returned from Pakistan after the latter announced that all foreigners in the country without valid documents would be forced to leave by 1 November or face arrest and deportation. (STC 18/04/2024, ACAPS 07/12/2023)

28 February 2024

Since November 2023, Afghanistan has been experiencing an increase in suspected measles cases, driven by high community transmission worsened by winter conditions and inadequate immunisation coverage. Since January 2024, approximately 6,000 cases have been reported, resulting in 24 deaths. The majority of those affected are children under five. (WHO 22/02/2024)

15 January 2024

In 2024, 23.7 million people, over half of the population, are likely to require humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan. The onset of winter and the pre-existing vulnerability of the people affected by the 2023 earthquakes in Herat province aggravate the humanitarian crisis. The earthquakes affected 275,000 people, including 96,000 children, and damaged or destroyed over 30,000 shelters. The crisis led thousands of families to live in makeshift camps without adequate WASH and heating access, exposing them to a higher risk of diseases. Since September 2023, acute respiratory infections (ARI) have been rising with the onset of winter. Since January 2023, over 2,800 ARI-related deaths have been reported, 62% of which involve under-five children. 17.9 million people are in need of health assistance across the country, including 842,000 in Herat. At least 150 people have died from the colder-than-usual weather conditions in 2023. (OCHA 23/12/2023, WHO 10/01/2024, CARE 10/01/2024)

14 December 2023

Around 15.8 million people are projected to experience high food insecurity levels – i.e. Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse – between November 2023 and March 2024, a 21% increase compared to October 2023. The main drivers are high food prices, reduced income, and unemployment, compounded by the onset of winter and the influx of Afghan refugees. Over 500,000 Afghans had arrived from Pakistan and Iran as at 15 December, facing limited food, WASH, and health access. Food insecurity already contributes to high malnutrition levels, with four million children and women projected to experience acute malnutrition between November 2022 and April 2023, leading to increased morbidity and mortality rates. The persistent struggle to secure sufficient food compels people to adopt coping strategies with potentially harmful consequences, aggravating conditions for impoverished Afghans as they become exposed to the associated risks linked to inadequate diet, nutrition deficiencies, and compromised immunity. (IPC 14/12/2023, CARE et al. 14/12/2023, STC 14/12/2023)

current crises
in Afghanistan

These crises have been identified through the INFORM Severity Index, a tool for measuring and comparing the severity of humanitarian crises globally.

Read more about the Index

AFG006 - Earthquake in Herat Province

Last updated 23/06/2024



Crisis level


Severity level

2.6 Medium

Access constraints


AFG001 - Complex crisis

Last updated 23/06/2024



Crisis level


Severity level

4.4 Very High

Access constraints


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on Afghanistan

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